Get the most from
your budget

Discover how Aha Ads help you get the most out of your investment

Estimated campaign results

Estimates may vary significantly over time based on your targeting selections and available data.

These numbers indicate the potential performance for your budget and do not guarantee results.






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24-hour support
Campaign management tool
Campaign report
Estimated clicks per month: X
Average CPC
Dedicated customer success support
Highest campaign objective optimization

Our Team

Meet Our Diverse Team

We are an innovative, interdisciplinary team of developers, designers, marketers, and business operations experts,  from companies like TikTok, Liftoff, and others. We are all working together to provide content creators with tools for brand deals, deal management, and ideation.


CPC means you pay for each click on your
ads. In our AI-driven CPC campaigns, we
have estimated a maximum CPC for you.

Set monthly spending limit

Your monthly spending is the amount you’ll spend on a campaign in a single month. You can adjust it anytime, but changes take effect starting the next month.


CPC means you pay for each click on your ads. In our AI-driven CPC campaigns, we have estimated a maximum CPC for you.

Set monthly spending limit

Your monthly spending is the amount you’ll spend on a campaign in a single month. You can adjust it anytime, but changes take effect starting the next month.

The Campaign Cycle

The budget cycle is monthly, starting a new each month. Campaigns may last longer, but this won't affect the new cycle, and updates continue after one month.

Be a boss receive weekly reports

Aha Ads provides you with a weekly performance summary. With Aha Ads' AI autopilot mode, there's no need to check data daily or make countless decisions.

The Campaign Cycle

The budget cycle is monthly, starting a new each month. Campaigns may last longer, but this won't affect the new cycle, and updates continue after one month.

Be a boss receive weekly reports

Aha Ads provides you with a weekly performance summary. With Aha Ads' AI autopilot mode, there's no need to check data daily or make countless decisions.


How Aha Ads budget  and report works

Transform AI
into performance

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